Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Finally.. the suffering time is over.. and it is the time for us to hang out. I was told by Jimmy that Jogaya is having a promotion for ladies.. all ladies can get 50% discount for the buffet. My goodness, so glad to hear this.
Well, when we reached the restaurant, it was so many people lined up there. We started to worry whether can get the place for the buffet or not since we came without any reservation. Thanks god.. we got the place for the buffet at last.. lol..
When i looked into the restaurant from the outside , i was thought that the restaurant is damn small..and wow..i was suprised that the restaurant is not small when we were entered the restaurant and found our seats...
testing the beer.. taste a bit weird!jin & me.. finally got the seats for us..
lobster!!!!!!!!i ate a lot of lobters there..hehe
the most special of japanese boil egg
love this...... shushi...
fresh prawn, fresh oyster...and japanse boil egg..We chatting there and eat as much of the food as possible ... lol.. and until 4.20pm, time is up for the buffet and lastly we went back with biggg... stomach..:
Friday, October 24, 2008
2nd part of "France Village"..
Though it was a rainny day..we were enjoyed the cooling and chilling wheather there..it was evening ...with the wonderful lighting and cooling wheather..it really make us feel like we were at somewhere of the Western countries... haha...though it was just 1 day trip, it is more than enough i guess...because the village is quite small ... so it's quite boring if stay long...
Never leave the one you [LOVE]for the one you LIKE
because the one you LIKE will leave youfor the one they LOVE
the one you LIKE will give yougoosebumps;
the one you LOVE will make you laughand send shivers down your spine.
When the one you LIKE cries, you feelsorry for them;
but when the one you LOVE cries, youcry for them.
True Love Doesnt Have A HAPPY ENDING
Never leave the one you [LOVE]for the one you LIKE
because the one you LIKE will leave youfor the one they LOVE
the one you LIKE will give yougoosebumps;
the one you LOVE will make you laughand send shivers down your spine.
When the one you LIKE cries, you feelsorry for them;
but when the one you LOVE cries, youcry for them.
True Love Doesnt Have A HAPPY ENDING
Thursday, May 8, 2008
今天早上跟妈去了算命。。妈说这个蛮准的。。这是我第一次算命。。她说我的八字很难算。。因为我是农历二十九出世的。。道理来说,我是属牛的,可是她说那个时间已经是立春了,所以应该是属虎。。可是到最后,我得算两个八字就是了。。她说我是一个很会想东想西的人。。这个我觉得很准。然后,我以后的事业一定要是干的,不可以是湿的。。意思说,我的事业不可以接触到水的,例如海洋。我的命是忌水的,所以我一定要避免去大海的地方!还有我的名字不可以有三点水。。27,28岁不适合生孩子或做生意。28岁过后结婚会比较好。我拥有皇帝的肩膀,意思是说我的责任会是很大的,例如如果我是家里的长子,我就得担起很多责任(还好我在家里是做小的!)。如果在事业的话,我会有压力(好怕!)。我不适合在北部做工。。我比较适合在南部做工。。例如吉隆坡,新山和新加坡。。在缘分里,我跟很多生肖有冲突。。我不可以跟蛇和龍结婚,不然会时常骂架或严重的话。。会克夫!!(惨!惨!惨!)如果跟属马的人结婚,一定不可以有孩子是属猴的。。还有很多。。不记得了。。缘份里会又出显属虎,马和龍的人。。可是马和龍是和我八字有冲突的。。那不是只是剩下虎??!啊。。我不要啦。。!还有,三是一岁时要小心马路上的意外。。(什么意思嘛!)。。如果好好照顾身体,会活得很长命。。(但愿如此)。。67和68岁不可以参与白事或做大寿。。以后会有两个孩子看着我“上路”。。(哇。。这个也懂??!!)我有仙骨,意思是说我跟仙有缘,以后老了可能会吃素。。当然她说这是看我个人要不要而已。。还有一个,老了可能眼睛会没有降好。。以及可能会驼背。。(要咩??!!不好啦。。)老了我会是一个很 “yim chim” 的人。。!最后,我前世是男身。。前世没怎样。。有做过小善事。。就是这样!!哈哈。。准不准就要等我老了以后才懂了。。
曾经我的好友告诉我一些东西。。她说他有一个中国的朋友,他的女友在中国,他本身就在新加坡读书,在新加坡有一个女生很喜欢他,可是他是对她没感觉的。。但是。。有一天,那个女的突然在他的面前裸全身给他看。。最后他也抵不过那女的色诱。。他跟她就这样“,咩咩咗 ”!事情不久,他就觉得很内疚,他就跟他的女友坦白了。。他的女友最后很痛心的决定跟他分手。(是女人也接受不到吧?!)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
大学的第二年又结束了。。想起整年所过的生活。。。我想这一年里是我过得比较多姿多彩的一年吧。。。我真的不敢想像我下两个学期的生活!!不是人过的生活!不再像刚过的两个学起。。。爽爽就去看半夜场。。有时去到 sunway, one u..不远的都不去。。爽爽就驾着车到处去找吃!!!有时关着灯,5-6个屋友关在主人房看怪谈。。。还蛮刺激的!哈哈。。。大间的屋子。。凉爽的大厅。。。唉。。。美好的时光都过去了。。下学期。。就要大屋搬小屋。。。每天吃经济饭。。走路去上课。。。可能要在实验室过夜。。。啊。。!想死了!但是不排除这两个学期里。。发生了一些不开心的事。。也做了不应该做的事情!一辈子都会记着。。。
Sunday, May 4, 2008
port dickson
me and ting
lol..after get free make up from Dior..then went to Zanmai, sunway pyramid, have our dinner...em..
miss the time when we few girls hang around in KL..em...that day,we woke up in the early morning, then we went to midvalley to redeem the Dior's voucher .. after that...went to bangsar...damn hot that day...after hanging around for whole day...we went back home..was pretty tired!!!!haha...
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